Monday, June 25, 2012

Living in the U.S please, Don t be ignorant you speak as if the U.S is from Argentina to

American travelers rail travel in england to Mexico should beware of possible violent retaliation for this week's arrest of alleged Zetas drug cartel associates and family members inside the U.S., the U.S. State Department has warned.
Though the warning does not specify which "Transnational Criminal Organization" might engage in "anti-American" violence, rail travel in england on Tuesday federal authorities arrested seven alleged associates of the powerful Zetas drug cartel in New Mexico and Oklahoma for allegedly laundering millions in drug profits through breeding and racing quarterhorses in the U.S. Those arrested included Jose Trevino Morales , the brother of Zetas leaders Miguel Angel and Oscar Omar Trevino Morales , who were also indicted but remain at large in Mexico.
According to the indictment, the Zetas cartel steered drug money to Jose Trevino Morales and his wife to purchase, train and race quarterhorses. Horses owned by the Zetas' alleged front companies competed at Ruidoso Downs in New Mexico and won lucrative races, including the $1 million All American Futurity in 2010. Some of the horses, like Morning Cartel and Coronita Cartel, had the word "cartel" rail travel in england in their names.
The travel warning issued Tuesday, the day of the arrests and the unsealing of the indictment, urges U.S. citizens in Mexico to be on guard. rail travel in england "Given the history and resources of this violent TCO, the U.S. Embassy urges U.S. citizens to maintain a low profile and a heightened sense of awareness."
Miguel Angel Trevino Morales and his brother Oscar Omar, who go by the names 40 and 42, which refer to their alleged rank within the Zetas at the time of the cartel's creation several years ago, are now allegedly top leaders of an organization that controls drug trafficking in the east and south of Mexico.
The Zetas began in 1999 when former members rail travel in england of the Mexican military signed on to work as security for the Gulf drug cartel. The Zetas went into business for themselves and are now at war with the Gulf Cartel.
The Zetas are based in Nuevo Laredo, in Tamaulipas rail travel in england state just across the border from Laredo, Texas. The U.S. State Department issued rail travel in england a Travel Warning about Tamaulipas in February, and on Tuesday noted that it "continues to advise U.S. citizens to defer non-essential travel to the state of Tamaulipas."
Today s WSJ has an interview with Calderon saying violence has eased in Mexico and calling on the US to look at other options to reduce the cash flow to cartels i.e. legalize mj. I say legalize it yourself and levy a tax on it and see what good that does for Mexico. Don t even start to criticize US laws until you get Mexican rail travel in england laws AND institutions squared away AND you start enforcing rail travel in england your laws.
So what; do you really think any American with an IQ above 4 (and I m giving him 3 points)would be living in Mexico unless he s part and parcel to whats going on..? Americans have always gravitated to horror and crime. The country rail travel in england was initiated by violence. Americans are too stupid and greedy to be scared of Mexico.
How is it we Americans will travel to the other side of the world to chase down a group of terrorists and yet we don t label militant drug cartels terrorists right next door? They have killed more people rail travel in england than 9/11 and Katrina put together and continues rail travel in england to operate more successfully everyday damaging our financial systems, threatening our border security and murdering innocent people.
If u have any common sense u should know this already u dont need a warning i live in laredo tx over here we all know not to cross that border only for special rail travel in england reasons like dentists rail travel in england doctors. and medecines and go in the morning that is the motto nuevo laredo is a fucking ghost town the days of cadillac bar turf club placing bets makin money getting drunk going to boys town after winning those days are ove cant believe it it will take a miracle for nuevo laredo to prosper like it once did great nite life tourists everywhere all gone nuevo laredo there is a big war coming to u like u have never seen if u can leave do it if not praying is ur only hope!!!
Americans are already targets in Mexico, but if the Americans start dying by the dozens, I feel sorry for the innocent mexicans living in America because they will feel the backlash of what the Cartels do just for being Mexican!
Hello amigos!!! U know, fuck these stupid, ignorant, low life SOBs!!! They sell the fucking poison here in the US and have the nerve or is it stubitity to pretend they r business people!! A fucking monkey can sell coke, I pray all these no good bastards rot in jail!! PS, good job by the heat!!!
Seems like the american gvt only cared when one of their gvt ICE agents got murdered. Warning: if you go to mexico and are kidnapped and murdered like hundreds of other americans we won t do sheet all about it! You are on your own! Imagine what would happen if a muslim country did half the sheet drug cartels do to america and americans. Flood the country with drugs and kill hundreds of its citizens while travelling abroad. Getting weaker by the day!
The warning should be directed at the cartels. You touch american citizens and we will destroy you. A strong president would send that message loud and clear. And back it up with action. Like wild animals the only thing these cartels understand is violence. Time to set the american lions on the jackals. Also, allow the military and police to receive reward money for killing cartel leaders.
You know they tell us Americans to enroll with STEP (Smart Travelers Enrollment Progam) so that we will be notified rail travel in england of any new alerts that have been put out, but what good does it do? This is the 2nd alert that I have learned about on BB and never received a notification from STEP! Thank u BB!
Living in the U.S please, Don t be ignorant rail travel in england you speak as if the U.S is from Argentina rail travel in england to Canada...jeez no wonder were hated by everyone... Also you are saying innocent Mexicans living in the U.S will be targeted by who?? White Radical Groups?? Instead why not target the Mexicans rail travel in england and all the people involved with the organized crime?? Why does it have to be a worker performing his job to feed his family?? G(-)057
The warning should be directed at the cartels. You touch american citizens and we will destroy you. A strong president would send that message loud and clear. And back it up with action. Like wild animals the only thing these cartels understand is violence. Time to set the american lions on the jackals. Also, allow the military and police to receive reward rail travel in england money for killing cartel leaders. ------------------------------------------------- AMEN..fukn bastards all need to die
@ANON 10:14PM Your absolutely RIGHT, genius....that s EXACTLY rail travel in england why Chivis post is linked in the very FIRST paragraph (those rail travel in england funny blue lines in post are called links, click them and see what happens.) This post is simply a follow up to share a US State Dept warning. rail travel in england Saludos
Casey Madison said... How is it we Americans will travel to the other side of the world to chase down a group of terrorists and yet we don t label militant drug cartels terrorists right next door? They have killed more people than 9/11 and Katrina put together and continues to operate more successfully everyday damaging our financial systems, threatening our border security and murdering innocent people. ------------------------------------------------- GOOD QUESTION...just wanted rail travel in england to see it posted again
The reason is that it is not financially convenient for the U.S. government to stop the killings, much less the drug pouring into U.S. cities. Remember, the CIA is the biggest drug cartel and has killed way more people than we could ever imagine rail travel in england just to keep this a secret

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