Even on a cold, dank day, it gleams and shimmers, this 1957 Airstream Flying Cloud travel trailer. But that s nothing compared to the glint in Kevin O Connell s eye as he stands back and admires how much does it cost to rent a car in mexico a classic example of Americana, according to a report in the Sacramento Bee.
Around him are examples of a bygone period, those carefree Eisenhower years when people hit the open road in souped-up trailers and campers that catered to their every need as they traveled from state park to KOA sites to see America with the family.
Some trailers, such as the Airstream and a 1955 Aljoa Sportsman, he has refurbished piece-by-piece, inside and out, more for his own pride of accomplishment than monetary rewards. Both are for sale, though, for $16,000 and $13,500, respectively.
how much does it cost to rent a car in mexico I can be a detail freak, he says. I m very peculiar—no, that s not the right word—particular about the history of these units. I d like to get these from the original owner. And I need to have all the original parts.
O Connell opens the showroom and workshop to the public on most Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Sometimes, during the height of tourist how much does it cost to rent a car in mexico season in summer, he draws 200 visitors, the Sacramento Bee reports.
But so enamored how much does it cost to rent a car in mexico of trailers is O Connell that he ll take time to show visitors the inner workings and details. In the sexy Airstream, he points with pride to the toilet—"original porcelain, he says—and the white-oak cabinetry polished to a luster. Then he steps out and runs his hand along the Airstream s body, pausing at the curves and purrs, That s pure aircraft aluminum.
It s a whole subculture, he says. It s catching up with the vintage car folks. People appreciate the craftsmanship. These trailers here, restored right down to the frame? They re better than when they left the factory 60 years ago. People appreciate that.
The Russian how much does it cost to rent a car in mexico River Vintage Travel Trailers 12,000 square foot restoration shop and showroom is located on the corner of 3rd Street and Armstrong Woods Road in Guerneville, California, 65 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge.
This entry was posted in Camping , RV Lifestyle , RV Manufactures how much does it cost to rent a car in mexico and tagged Airstream , Aljoa Sportsman , concept RVs , KOA , recreational vehicle , retro , retro RV , RVing , travel trailers , vintage trailer . Bookmark the permalink .
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