Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes reach divorce settlement. And what nobody told you about celebrities relationships | Black Queen Lara Coffee Time Videos Blogs and News Outlook in Waiting Room for Building Advice or Intuitional Therapy.
sterling hotel dallas Let Lara Queen, the Original 21st Century Woman and Spiritual Mistress, help you in getting victory over your problems (As in her Personal Power of Healing book in publication)-The imitated by a few Celebrities, but never = BQL, Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, sterling hotel dallas California-Paris, France. About: Assistance in change-Tags: news, fashion, luxor hotel and casino sports music theater events tickets, electronics video games, webmasters tools, etc International English ahead.
Photoshop explanation insite Many readers get depressed for lack of excitement in their lives; and the same, for many celebrities: their lives are dull and empty and they feel worse because they project sterling hotel dallas the contrary image all the time in public.
A cruise ship attendant claimed in a federal luxor hotel and casino lawsuit that John Travolta sexually assaulted him during a Caribbean cruise in 2009, according to court documents filed last week. Still, let me not generalize though, because there are still many happy stars couples out there. My own love barometers for celebrities: the more they are private, sterling hotel dallas the more they are a true couple. We all have seen how Ashton Kutcher used to auto-program himself on Twitter before running to Demi Moore; except herself. luxor hotel and casino But believe sterling hotel dallas it or not, some of us found it news that their relationship luxor hotel and casino was not working. sterling hotel dallas Living near Hollywood 8 years, luxor hotel and casino I already know that John Travolta favored men; but I have read comments of people who did not believe it, while living in California. By the way, you have to wonder why is there is so much written about Travolta being gay, while the lawsuits sterling hotel dallas against him are scandalous. I believe it that one of his victims gave the wrong day, this happens to people who are very active at night (reading or writing) all the time.
Some of you divorce or fight with your loving partner, because you are trying to get something that doesn t exist or because you lack a relationship similar to the stars, which is half of the time, by the way jolly-fake for the cameras! You are about to appreciate your life as never before once you understand what is true about stars relationships.
This will not be a suspense sterling hotel dallas filled luxor hotel and casino blog, so I will just tell it like it is: celebrities are no super heroes concerning love matters and they should choose for real love, as opposed to a marketing operation or a career move, if they were self-loving. This is why I d like to share my own experience in dating celebrities. From Los Angeles to New York (It is the same jet-set people shuttling luxor hotel and casino from LA to Big Appleand any City in the midst included, anyway), luxor hotel and casino this is what many celebrities luxor hotel and casino dating luxor hotel and casino was like:
Many of those stars relationships are concluded after insuring this part: Will you always be available sterling hotel dallas to hand me my favorite luxor hotel and casino drugs and pills when I need them. , period. The same behavior is normal when you date wealthy people, but at least wealthy people never ask you to find drugs for them. This behavior might also be usual for female wealthy wanna be s, like these fake European aristocracy that I don t feel like naming. I guess their providers are the ones going to Court when there are problems, cause you never hear their names as drugs buyers, luxor hotel and casino right?
luxor hotel and casino sterling hotel dallas Some 8 years ago, I dated a mega star seriously. In the second week of our intense relationship, he told me that if I wanted to become his official girl friend, all I had to do was to always have (coded) co@ain at my house. And the mega star made me mega promises that he was about to keep because I tested him. Meaning that today if I would have accepted his offer which was more a now or never order, I would be in all magazines, I would have the best websites and houses luxor hotel and casino in the world, I would be invited to Obama s funny gatherings sterling hotel dallas probably and other ultra glamorous parties and if I dumped him, I would be moving on with another mega star.
But I declined because the prospect of being a drug holder or mule behind the mask of a mega star s girl friend, felt like selling my soul to the devil . I chose to enjoy the process luxor hotel and casino of succeeding my life by myself than to become a IT GIRL for the media and a woman missing out on true love in my golden houses.
Start opening your eyes on yourself and the one who loves you. You ve got everything you need for your happiness and success within. An African proverbs say: never envy a stranger; and it is absolutely right.
Then again, thEre are readers, who might call me stupid on rejecting the mega star s offer and money. Who is stupid? sterling hotel dallas I know that there is always a way out in a stupid situation. But would have been able to take the exit door on time? Thank God, this is has never be the question for me, concerning celebrities.
Today the above mega star is portrayed in the media as a perfect man in a perfect relationship with a woman, who can NOT satisfy him sexually; but you and me know that she has everything in her house, just kidding.
I will never give the names of my ex mega stars out, cause they are not good enough luxor hotel and casino for me, from God s perspective, as corny as it sounds. And I am not angry with celebrities, but I am disappointed in the public who give them more importance than they deserve and spend money on them when economy is hard, and I am not talking luxor hotel and casino about any Artists named in this blog.
I am never impressed by my ex celebs or other celebrities because they have no spiritual nor supernatural gift at all, (While on stage, my ex celebs do fabulous work, that sometimes leaves luxor hotel and casino sterling hotel dallas me speechless!), but then again the man in my house and the celeb are never the same people to me and his talent is work. What I see on the screen, is an absolute invention or lie or fantasy or just an entertainment sterling hotel dallas worker! As long as you have never spend a day in the intimacy of a celebrity, you have met a character luxor hotel and casino or a persona. Let s change subject: are some mega stars dating as characters?
Poor Katie and mean Tom to paraphrase luxor hotel and casino the international media who knew perfectly well that Katie was rich all the time and that Tom never made it a secret that he was sweet with Scientology, you have to stop finding important everything that the Press says ans start thinking at the reason of their publication. To me, there was so much bad writings (same as publicity, believe it or not) about Scientology lately, that I thought that this was a commercial stunt!
So, I was apprehending luxor hotel and casino two camps promoted by the media and the usual sheepish thinking and the Katie and Tom s reconciliation as crescendo. luxor hotel and casino And I am not ashamed to say that despite my distrust luxor hotel and casino about Scientology matters, I kept my part of Katie Holmes is hiding something about herself for the right time. And you know why we all have an opinion on this matter that does not concern us, because there are so many of these couples in the spotlight luxor hotel and casino being named as role models.
What I think the most about this failed Hollywood glamorous relationship is that Katie Holmes, at least, proves that White woman are superior regarding love matters luxor hotel and casino as I explained to my ebony sister one month ago. For your information again, I am Black myself and only date white people. Too many Black women suffer way too much in relationships, and for nothing that is worth it (Such as Jimmy Choo shoes or credit cards or a mansion or image, yuk if you have to stay with a abusive partner on for that, you must get a white girl friend to explain it for you.)
This result could not have been achieved without the hard work of my partner Gary Skoloff sterling hotel dallas and our co-counsel Allan Mayefsky, Michael Mosberg luxor hotel and casino and Larry Trachtenberg of Aronson Mayefsky and Sloan and Peter Walzer and Chris Melcher of Walzer Melcher in California.
Even if the Press is showing Katie as the victim, I believe that she kept some degree of control all the time and probably sighed an agreement not to divorce within 5 years. But this is again an interfering personal statement.
My opinion doesn t matter want Tom and Katie do not know me personally. Congrats to both Katie and Tom for their exemplary, classy, neat break up, no matter how dirty is their laundry they keep it for themselves and no matter how beautiful is their daughter Suri, they never say crazy things about her, hopefully.
WHO IS LARA QUEEN? Lara Queen created "My Passion luxor hotel and casino Is The Christ" in 2002 under the name of Lola-Marie Bentley. This "creation" was taken from her and re-entitled "The Passion of The Christ", which engendered multiple commercial products, without giving Lara Queen, the recognition and payment that she strongly sterling hotel dallas deserves. The original "My Passion it The Christ" was written luxor hotel and casino without blood's pictures. And Lara Queen would have never permitted the camera at the end of the movie to be inside the tomb, if she was warned that her book will be turned into a movie by Mel Gibson who was disguised luxor hotel and casino as Frank with a blond mustache and wig and accompanied by Ray, the day they met 3 times in Beverly Hills.
The original sterling hotel dallas "My Passion is The Christ" was not anti-semitic but instead sterling hotel dallas emphasized the Jewish gift to humanity more than 2000 years ago, without them "being aware" of it, while Gibson cruelly answered that question when interviewed by Diana Sawyer. luxor hotel and casino The movie also neglected JesusChris connection with Africa, sterling hotel dallas a continent which "saved" His life. The only Actress that Black Queen Lara "saw" in a eventual movie during that probably recorded conversation, was Monica sterling luxor hotel and casino hotel dallas Belluci, after considering Sophia Loren as the Virgin luxor hotel and casino Mary, because her story of
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