This 37 story skyscraper is the largest and tallest discount italian cruises of the group of buildings housing discount italian cruises SBC's (formerly discount italian cruises Southwestern Bell Telephone) regional headquarters. It is located on the site of the Baker Hotel, which was demolished for the construction of Bell Plaza. The building's exterior is travertine and dark bronze glass. One SBC Plaza is 580 feet tall and is the 12th tallest building in Dallas.
Son of a preacher man, a Lutheran minister who had churches in Auburn Washington (1943-52), Great Falls Montana (1952-57), and Warren Pennsylvania discount italian cruises (1957-81). I graduated from Warren Area High School in 1968, SUNY Buffalo in 1972 (BA in English), and the Univ. of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Library and Information discount italian cruises Studies in 1974 . Until I found my way into the public library world, I worked at the G. C. Merriam Co. in Springfield, Mass, my mother s hometown.
Department head at Oshkosh (Wisconsin) Public Library, 1978-1986. Director of Middleton (Wisconsin) Public Library, 1986-2008. Currently semi-retired/Adjunct Asst. Professor at UW-Madison School of Library and Information Studies. Married Jo in 1986. We have 2 sons, Andy (25), a recent UW-Milwaukee grad, and Eddie (21), a junior at UW-Madison.
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