In the United thrifty promo car rental coupons States, renting a car is as routine as picking up keys and signing thrifty promo car rental coupons a rental agreement. A visit to an agenzia thrifty promo car rental coupons di autonoleggio (auto rental agency) in Italy is often a bit more complicated.
"Vorremmo noleggiare una machina" (We'd like to rent a car), we say. " Abbiamo una prenotazione. " (We have a reservation.) Brace yourself before asking, thrifty promo car rental coupons " Quanto costa? " (How much does it cost?) Whether you're renting by the day ( al giorno ) or the week ( alla settimana ), you're thrifty promo car rental coupons sure to pay un sacco di soldi (a pile of money). It doesn't hurt to ask if there's a una tariffa festiva o feriale (a weekend or midweek rate).
Some companies may ask for a deposit ( una caparra ). Others add an extra charge for mileage ( un supplemento per il chilometraggio ). We prefer to ask for unlimited mileage ( chilometraggio illimitato ). Most Italian cars have manual transmissions (cambio manuale ), so you can expect to pay more for an automatic ( cambio automatico ).
You will need to present your driver's license ( patente) and inquire about insurance (l'assicurazione ), which may be covered by your personal policy or your credit card. Always ask when ( quando ) and where (dove) to return the car ( riportare la macchina) —and if somebody will be there ( ci sarà qualcuno ) when you do so. I suggest requesting GPS ( navigatore satellitare ) or make sure you have a good road map ( cartina stradale) . You can also reserve an infant or child car seat (seggiolino auto per neonati / bambini).
Depending on your location, you may have a range of vehicular choices: an economy car ( macchina piccola ), a midsize car (macchina media) , a full-size car ( macchina grande ), van (monovolume ), truck (camion), pickup truck (furgoncino) or maybe even a convertible (decappottabile). In big cities like Rome and Milan, you can rent a motorcycle ( motocicletta thrifty promo car rental coupons ) or a scooter ( motorino ) by the hour ( all' ora ) or by the half-day ( a mezza giornata) . Don't forget a helmet (un casco)!
Once on the road, you'll need to find a gas station (benzinaio or distributore di benzina) to fill up the tank (fare il pieno) . Many are "self-service," with signs saying " Fai da te" (Do it yourself). Check if you need to buy unleaded gas (benzina verde ), regular ( normale ), super ( super ) or diesel ( gasolio) .
Be sure to find out whom to contact in case of an accident thrifty promo car rental coupons (incidente) , breakdown ( guasto) , flat tire (gomma a terra —literally rubber to earth) thrifty promo car rental coupons or a dead battery (batteria scarica) . Although I hope you don't need them, you should learn phrases such as my car won't start ( la mia macchina non parte) , is broken (è rotta ) or is overheating ( si sta surriscaldando ).
If the engine isn't working ( non funziona ) or you get caught in a pile-up ( tamponamento a catena thrifty promo car rental coupons ), you may need a tow truck (un carro attrezzi ), a mechanic (un meccanico ), an auto body shop (una carrozzeria) –- or a stiff drink ( qualcosa di forte da bere) .
Your article on Traveling in the Italian Language is informative.Thanks for sharing your experience. I really like it and i got some idea from you.I love to read italian books and enjoy to listen Italian music .
We now have our own car in Italy but I have to say, having used rental cars a lot in our time, AutoEuropa thrifty promo car rental coupons were fine, as were the local firms we used. Driving in Italy is always - erm - exciting! and having the right vocabulary definitely helps. It s also maybe worth noting thrifty promo car rental coupons that Satnavs work in other languages as well as Italian in rental cars, although you may have to change the settings. If you include one in a rental it s worth asking at the desk whether it s set in your own language.
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